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Sex Abuse




A Door of Hope

Jan Frank


A Wounded Heart

Dan Allender


Prisoner From Another War

Marrilyn Murray

Pagemill Press


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Sex Addiction

R E S O U R C E   B I B L I O G R A P H Y

VOP Home Page

Facts & Figures

Resource Bibliography



Sex Addition




False Inimacy

Dr. Harry Schamburg

Nav Press

Lonely All The Time

Dr. Ralph Earle

Tri Star

Out of the Shadows

Pat Carnes

Comp Care

Don't Call It Love

Pat Carrnes

Comp Care

Is It Love or Is It Addiction

Brenda Schaefer


Sexual Anorexia

Pat Carnes

Comp Care

The Final Freedom

Doug Weiss

Heart to Heart

Addicted to Love

Steve Arterburn


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Site Hosting by AFO (American Family Online)